Our Mission
Our mission is to produce safe, skilled, happy swimmers and instill a lifelong love of the water by providing a high-quality, educational, developmentally sound swimming instruction program in a fun, safe environment that encourages every swimmer to fulfill their potential.
Our Philosophy
Safety First! We believe in teaching essential, potentially life-saving “survival swimming” first. We emphasize the acquisition of the ability to alternate between floating and swimming. Beginning kicking with their face down in the water, we teach them to roll over into a relaxed back float, then roll over again and continue kicking to make forward progress in the water. While working toward becoming proficient at survival swimming, Dolphinz instructional philosophy emphasizes mastering adequate air exchange with relaxed breathing and a strong kick. A proficient kick is the backbone of great swimmers. Only after air regulation and a proficient kick are established are arms introduced. The complete stroke will then come together resulting in a proficient swimmer capable of sustainable swimming.
We Teach the Whole Child! From birth, we begin a lifelong process of learning. As parents, some of our most precious memories involve seeing our children accomplish something for the first time – like their first steps. Children thrive off recognition and approval which encourages them to strive toward further accomplishments. Our well-trained staff understands this and provides a “can do” environment that will focus on their personal achievements. Positive reinforcement and encouragement at every opportunity leads to happy, loyal swimmers. We not only teach aquatic excellence, but a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime. We guarantee your child will have a positive, fun experience they will always remember. Teaching children to swim builds confidence, self-esteem and increases motor development. And most importantly, learning to swim is an essential life-saving skill!
The Very Best Instruction! Each instructor has a minimum of 40 hours of training of the Dolphinz curriculum and technique before they teach. Every staff member goes through a comprehensive interview and background check. Their instruction is reviewed monthly to ensure the highest level of instruction. Our instructors utilize multiple sensory stimulation to help your child learn. Visual reinforcement comes from teacher demonstrations and observation of their classmates. Auditory reinforcement comes from the use of verbal cues and explanation. And motor reinforcement comes from physically manipulating a swimmer’s movements. Our program has well defined graduation points the swimmers are working toward. Our small class sizes, most importantly, provide swimmers the needed repetition, practice and consistency needed to become a proficient swimmer. Our program developers, facility managers and trainers maintain the highest quality of swimming instruction by keeping abreast of the latest in child development trends and aquatic skills development.
Questions? Give us a call at (720) 851-1524 or email us at info@dolphinzswimschool.com