Parent-Tot classes are the ideal classes for babies and toddlers 4 months to 2 ½ years old. These classes provide an opportunity for children to become acquainted with the water in a fun and safe environment. Guided by one of our instructors, parent and child will learn many different skills through a series of songs and play as children gain confidence in the pool. Children will be working on submersions, rolling over, back floats, and independent movement through water. These classes have a maximum of 7 students per instructor.
This class is designed for preschool aged children 2 ½ to 3 ½ years old. Students will work on being comfortable moving through the water face down, rotating from back to front, breath control, bobs with air exchange, floating independently, jumping in, and kicking skills. This class continues to help the child build confidence in the water and begin to gain important life-saving survival skills. This class has a maximum of 3 students per instructor.
Group Lessons
Children 3 ½ years or older should begin in the appropriate level based on their skill level. Each level below has distinct graduation points, defined as “Advancement Goals”, which the swimmer will be working toward. The small class ratio of 4 students per instructor provides each swimmer with significant practice time and instructor attention to develop these skills.
This level is designed for the beginner swimmer 3 ½ years or older. The main goal of this level is to become adjusted to the water and begin to learn essential survival techniques.
Advancement Goals:- 5 bobs blowing bubbles
- Climb out of and into water independently
- Opening eyes underwater
- Independent movement along the wall of the pool
- Jumping feet first and surfacing independently
- Proper flutter kick with good forward progress
- Independent back floats for 10 seconds
- Front glides with proficient flutter kick for 10-15 feet
- Rolling over back to front independently
- Proper use of life vest with instructor support
The main goal of this level is to independently master the survival skill of moving between creating forward progress in the water and floating on their back to breathe referred to as survival swimming – learning to roll over and float is a vital life-saving skill and the one we ensure students have mastered before formal stroke instruction begins.
Advancement Goals:- Jumping in and surfacing in a back float independently
- Swim-float-swim for a minimum of 30 feet
- Elementary backstroke for 30 feet
- Back glide with flutter kick for 30 feet
- Retrieve object(s) from bottom of pool with instructor support
- Proper use of life vest with instructor support
The main goal of this level is to master crawl stroke and backstroke. Emphasis on using the student’s life-saving back float skill for periods of rest is still emphasized in this level.
Advancement Goals:- Independent crawl stroke alternating with back floats 1 length of the pool
- Independent Backstroke 1 length of the pool
- Side-glide-kick 1 length of the pool
- Retrieve object from bottom of pool independently in shallow water
- Proper use of life vest with instructor support
The main goal of this level is to master side-breathing for freestyle and master backstroke. Side-breathing will allow children to easily and adequately exchange oxygen which will enable them to swim greater distances. Swimmers will also learn Breaststroke kick.
Advancement Goals:- Freestyle with side-breathing for 1 length of the pool
- Backstroke 1 lengths of the pool
- Breaststroke kick 1 length of the pool
- Retrieve object from bottom of pool independently
- Independent use of life vest with instructor direction
The main goal of this level is to begin to build endurance by swimming greater distances in freestyle and backstroke. Students will also learn Breaststroke, how to tread water, as well as be introduced to Butterfly kick and begin to learn Freestyle flip turns.
Advancement Goals:- Freestyle with side-breathing for 2 lengths of the pool
- Backstroke 2 lengths of the pool
- Breaststroke 1 length of the pool
- Butterfly kick 1 length of the pool
- Freestyle flip turn from standing position
- Tread water for 1 minute
The main goal of this level is to continue to build endurance for swimming greater distances, master Butterfly and Freestyle flip turns, and tread water for longer periods of time.
Advancement Goals:- Freestyle 4 lengths of the pool
- Backstroke 4 lengths of the pool
- Breaststroke 2 lengths of the pool
- Butterfly 1 length of the pool
- 100 I.M.
- Proper Freestyle flip turns when swimming
- Tread water for 2 minutes
- Diving from the side of the pool
The main goal of this level is to work on stroke refinement, proficiency with the 4 competitive strokes, all competitive turns and starts so the student will meet USA regulations upon completion of this level.
Completion Goals:- Freestyle 300 yards
- Backstroke 200 yards
- Breaststroke 100 yards
- Butterfly 50 yards
- 200 I.M.
- Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly turns
- Competitive start from blocks
- Tread water for 5 minutes